Possessing a broad range of physical properties that enable it to replace glass or metal in many products, polycarbonate offers an unusual combination of strength, rigidity, and toughness that helps prevent potentially life-threatening material failures. In addition, it provides glasslike clarity, a critical characteristic for clinical and diagnostic settings in which visibility of tissues, blood, and other fluids is required.
LEXAN™ CLINIWALL™ sheet for clean room surfaces and interior wall cladding applications in public facilities and hospitals. This opaque, non-chlorinated and non-brominated sheet portfolio delivers high strength and stain resistance to blood, iodine, rubber gasket marks and other common stains in hospitals and public facilities. It also offers excellent chemical resistance to most of the cleaning agents including disinfectant Isopropanol (rubbing alcohol), helping save significant maintenance costs
Polycarbonate can be processed with standard injection molding equipment. It can also be blow-molded into hollow containers or extruded into film, sheet, and thick- or thin-walled tubing. Polycarbonate sheet and film can be thermoformed into various complex shapes. For short-run devices or prototypes, polycarbonate rod and slabs can be cut, milled, and machined to the desired configuration.
Polycarbonate occupies a unique niche in the medical device market. Engineers have tapped its key characteristics of toughness, rigidity, and strength for critical device applications in which safety and performance are vital. The ease of sterilizability of polycarbonate gives designers wide latitude in developing products that are not dependent on a single sterilization method.