Reflective Insulation Material
The energy crisis globally has brought about an increase in combustible costs, where only an appropriate insulation system can bring about significant economic savings. The need to insulate building at all exposed or susceptible surface from inside or outside is an indisputable reality that finally goes on to increasing the comfort of occupants both temporary and permanent, humans and livestock and finally products and good that are heat and moisture sensitive.Sri Ramana Enterprises is an authorised distributor of Reflective Insulation Material and Air Bubble Aluminium Insulation material in Chennai, Vizag, Guntur, Cochin, Hyderabad, Coimbatore, Bangalore and Vijayawada.
A basic understanding to keep the heat out during summers and to keep the insulation effective and efficient, it needs to be well protected with a good air and vapor barrier which Insulations products do extremely well.
A Good Insulation System
The Surface that create or make the cover or envelope of any building including it's sub-structural system is mainly composed of essential elements:
- General weather barrier
- An air barrier
- The insulation the vapour barrier
- The interior finishing All these together must
- Provide thermal resistance
- Limit air flow
- Limit diffusion of moisture
- Allow moisture to evaporate towards exterior from within the envelope
Roof as Main Envelope
Roofing, in all cases is the largest surface exposed to the vagaries of the weather especially heat in tropical countries like India. The exposure to sun is inevitable and therefore heat gain through this surface is high. Insulating
the roof preserves energy. amends comfort and lessens utility cost.
A Roof Insulation Foil Lessens the amount of radiant heat that accedes the building by as much as up to 97% with even better results if united with conventional bulk insulation to create a complete insulation system.
Conclusively Foil insulation works best by also diminishing energy consumption for cooling, decrease the potential for condensation that cause mold mildew, rot and dripping thereby increasing overall user comfort.
All modern construction requires high performance insulation which is capable of stopping heat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation as well as be efficent against an infiltration.
Works at 100% Efficeny
- Trapped air is the best anti conductor available.
- Pure Aluminium is the material with the best Reflective(low emissivity) properties and still utilizable as a construction material.
- The Aluminium and the polyethylene layers is made of makes it a 100% air and vapor barrier product.
- Upto 50% of all, heat transfers are by radiation. it is therefore, very important to stop them at the source instead of absorbing the heat and slowing down penetration.
- A system including a mass insulation and a Reflective insulation makes it an extremely efficent way to combat heat transfer.
- Roofing & Wall Cladding
- The Textile / Spinning / Garment / Engineering / Warehousing Industry
- The Agriculture / Dairy / Poultry Farming Industries
- The Food / Hospitality Industries
- The Pharma / Electronic Industries