Polycarbonate sheets are clear and offer a clean, sleek design to server aisle containment. The rigid wall panels provide the most air tight enclosure option to control airflow patterns and contain temperature zones inside a data center enclosure.
Companies including Google, Amazon and Home Shopping Network have found that utilizing Polycarbonate Thermoclear(multiwall) in these containment systems provides the most reliable IT environments, allowing for maximum "uptime" as well as maximum cooling for servers and batteries alike, as well as physically separating groups of servers or batteries from each other.
Polycarbonate sheets plays a vital role in providing cool air through the cold aisles, and utilize return ducts in the hot aisles to recycle or exhaust warm air. The desirable thermal properties of polycarbonate sheets allow the alternating cold and warm aisles to sit side by side without significant heat transfer between the multiwall sheets.